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Frequently asked questions.
How do I get more reports?To purchase additional reports online, go to and select the pricing tab. Choose a plan and report package of your choice. All purchases can be made online. For packages larger than 5 reports please contact us at
How do I add my company’s information and logo to my account and my reports?You can add your company information (logo, contact) using one of two methods. A. On the EasySet web interface, select the profile icon in the top right corner. Once selected upload your logo and applicable company information. B. You may also edit your company information in each individual report. Simply click the logo icon (top left of the template) and upload the logo of your choice. Further, edit your company information directly on the report.
How do I edit the scope or disclaimer?There are two options when editing the scope and disclaimer. A. You may edit the scope and disclaimer in each individual report. Simply click on the field and edit. B. You may also customize and save the scope and disclaimer specific to your account. To do so, click on the profile icon (top right). Scroll down to the scope and disclaimer. Make your changes and click Save.
How do I add a background section?To add a "background" section, click "Add Background Section" which is located under your executive summary. A background section contains supplementary information relevant to your report, such as a risk assessment, general information about the facility, the company’s profile, assessor's bio and more. Simply generate this section, edit the title and add any content including pictures, graphs or documents.
How do I change the order of items in my report?EasySet allows you to change the order of your sections, vulnerabilities, areas, and solutions. Sections: To change the order of the sections in your report, hover over the table of contents menu on the left side. Click the six dots that appear next to each section. Simply drag and drop the section to its new location. Areas: To change the order of the Areas within a section in your report, hover over the table of contents menu on the left side. Click on the appropriate section where the area is nested. Click the six dots that appear next to the area you'd like to move. Simply drag and drop the area to its new location (within the same section). Vulnerabilities: To change the order of the Vulnerabilities within a section in your report, hover over the table of contents menu on the left side. Click on the appropriate section where the area is nested then click the area where the vulnerabilities is nested. Click the six dots that appear next to the vulnerability you'd like to move. Simply drag and drop the vulnerability to its new location (within the same area). Solutions: In the report template scroll to the solutions you'd like to rearrange. Next to every solution you will see six dots. Simply drag and drop the solutions in their new order.
How do I edit a section name?Simply click on the section title you wish to change, and begin typing.
Does EasySet work on iPads / TabletsYes. Simply go to the App Store / Play Store and download the EasySet mobile app.
How do I add, edit or delete a reference?"1. Click on the relevant reference to edit. 2. Use the trash bin to the right side to delete the reference. 3. To add more references or your own, simply click add references.
How do I generate an appendix?Click "add appendix" at the bottom of the report to create an appendix. You may edit titles, add content and include images.
How can we conduct a team assessments in the field?Ensure each member of your team (up to 3 devices) is logged into the same EasySet account, editing one specific report. Every selection made by each member will automatically update to all devices in near-real-time.
How do I create my own custom library/database?Now, whenever you select “Other” as an Area, Vulnerability, or Solution, (following the EasySet hierarchy sequence) you're creating your own PRIVATE EasySet account library. Your library entries are visible to your account only and will appear in your reports as it appeared when it was first entered. You can always edit your entry in a specific report later as you would with the included EasySet library. *We highly recommend, always use the EasySet web interface to create your custom entries (by selecting “Other”) although custom titles can be generated from the field using the App. 1. Log into your EasySet Web Account. 2. Create a new report, or open an existing one. 3. In your report, create the section of your choice, and select the area and applicable vulnerability. 4. While choosing your solutions (or at any point in the sequence listed above), click "OTHER" to make a custom entry into your private library. 5. Fill out the appropriate fields including the Title, Description, and Reference. 6. You're all done! Now, for all future and existing reports, using the mobile app in the field, or directly from desktop, you may choose from your list of custom content in addition to the included EasySet library.
How do I delete items from my custom library/database?Under the current version, there is no way for the user to delete an entry once it is made. New features coming soon will permit this function. While we develop, feel free to email, to have any content removed. *We highly recommend only making all additions to your private library using the web interface to ensure correct entry.
How do I edit items in my custom library?Under the current version, users cannot permanently edit an item once it is entered into their personal database. The initial entry serves as a template which can be re-used across your reports. Using the web editor you may edit any of your custom entries on your report in any way you please, just as you would edit content from the EasySet library. *We Highly recommend using the web editor to create ALL of your custom entries to ensure correct entry.
How do I access items in my custom library and add them to my reports?Adding entries from your private library into your report is simple. Just follow the hierarchy of selections made in the app or on the web editor, (i.e. Perimeter, Fence, Breach or Gap, YOUR CUSTOM SOLUTION). At any point in the sequence, you may select "Other" to create a custom entry. For example, you may create your own custom area, vulnerability, and solution! Make your database and reports uniquely yours, EasySet just makes it Easy.
How do team assessments work and how many accounts do I need?To conduct an on-site inspection in teams, have each member of the team sign in to the same EasySet account (using the same username and password) from the mobile app or web editor. Teams can inspect the same facility together, in real-time, or conduct two separate assessments at the same time.
Can I add notes to my report?Using the mobile app or the web editor, you may add notes in any location within the report, which reads, "Add Notes." ALL notes taken will NOT be included in your final report. These notes are designed for internal team use.
Does EasySet provide a list of references?At the end of every report, you will have an automated list of references. You may edit, delete, or add to this list of references. Our database contains references to ASIS, FEMA, U.S. Secret Service, and much more.
Is EasySet available on Android or Iphone?EasySet is available on for both iOS and Android devices.
Can I customize EasySet with my own content?Each EasySet user has his/her own private database of pre-written assessment content in addition to what EasySet provides. Users may add to there private database from the web editor by selecting any drop-down menu in the body of the report and selecting the option, "Other." All content will be saved permanently to the user's database.
Can you access the web editor from a tablet device?The EasySet web editor may be used to conduct on-site assessments in real-time using a tablet device with reception or wifi. Access the web editor using the Google Chrome browser for the best results.
Can you conduct the inspection with a clipboard and transfer the information to EasySet?Many of our users prefer to conduct the on-site assessment without the app. With a clipboard and camera, simply complete the inspection, head back to the office and log in to the EasySet Web Editor. From the web editor, create a new report, and transfer your notes and pictures into a comprehensive pre-formatted report.
Does EasySet require reception or wireless connectivity?Yes. EasySet requires the user have wifi connectivity or minimal reception for use.
What is CTPAT?The Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT) is now included in the EasySet database. "CTPAT is a voluntary public-private sector partnership program which recognizes that CBP can provide the highest level of cargo security only through close cooperation with the principle stakeholders of the international supply chain such as importers, carriers, consolidators, licensed customs brokers, and manufacturers. The Security and Accountability for Every Port Act of 2006 provided a statutory framework for the CTPAT program and imposed strict program oversight requirements."
What is "AAA" under the Perimeter Section?"Under the Perimeter section there is a Area titled, "AAA." If selected, the "AAA" represents a place holder which the user can replace with any area title from the EasySet web editor. For example, if the user identifies an area that EasySet does not have in its database, e.g. "Helicopter Landing Pad," the user can select "AAA" in its place. Once back in the office, the user simply replaces all instances of "AAA" with "Helicopter Landing Pad."
How do I preview my report before purchase?If you'd like to preview your report, open the EasySet web editor, and select the desired report. Click "PDF Preview" in the top left corner. A watermarked preview will generate. To remove the watermarks, individual reports or report packages may be purchased through our website or by contacting our sales team at
Can I white label the assessments?EasySet does not take any 'credit' for your report. EasySet upload your company logo to your profile, and it will be automatically included on all future assessments. You may also change or replace the logo per report.
Can I edit my report after it has been purchased?Purchased and finalized reports may be edited and re-downloaded an unlimited number of times for a period of 90 days. After the 90 days, the report remains with the user but is "Archived." To un-archive a report, it must be purchased again.
How does the business model work?EasySet provides flexible plans to support the entire spectrum of the industry, from consultant to corporate. In addition to EasySet's "Pay as you Go" plans, which includes 1 downloadable report and 6 months access, EasySet also offers our Enterprise pricing for organizations that require 10 or more assessments per year. Based on the user's requirements, a license period and report-based usage cap (within that period) would be applied. For example, a user may choose to purchase a 1-year license and 30 reports. That user may draft an unlimited number of reports. Of those reports, the user may choose which one to download watermark-free. When the license period expires (there are no report roll-overs), the user would choose to re-subscribe and select a projected number of reports for the coming year.
What is CTPAT?The Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT) is now included in the EasySet database. "CTPAT is a voluntary public-private sector partnership program which recognizes that CBP can provide the highest level of cargo security only through close cooperation with the principle stakeholders of the international supply chain such as importers, carriers, consolidators, licensed customs brokers, and manufacturers. The Security and Accountability for Every Port Act of 2006 provided a statutory framework for the CTPAT program and imposed strict program oversight requirements."
What is "AAA" under the Perimeter section?"Under the Perimeter section there is a Area titled, "AAA." If selected, the "AAA" represents a place holder which the user can replace with any area title from the EasySet web editor. For example, if the user identifies an area that EasySet does not have in its database, e.g. "Helicopter Landing Pad," the user can select "AAA" in its place. Once back in the office, the user simply replaces all instances of "AAA" with "Helicopter Landing Pad."
How does EasySet secure my data?EasySet was built with security as a priority. To protect your data, EasySet engineers have designed a multi-layered approach, mitigating any potential attack surface. Numerous embedded features such as data encryption, expiring tokens, siloed architecture, firewall implementation, and more. To learn more about our internal cybersecurity measures, policies, and procedures, please contact us directly.
Who can see my data and how is it stored?EasySet's strict terms and privacy policy permit only two designated EasySet Officers who, if the scenario arises, can access a user's report for technical support only. User data is not viewed, shared, aggregated, analyzed, or backed-up. As a result of our "no-backup policy," ALL data deleted by the user is deleted from EasySet's servers in real-time and cannot be recovered.
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